New Delhi: The special CBI court judge has fixed September 13 as the next date of hearing for seeking bail by Delhi minister in AAP government, Satyendar Jain. He is currently in judicial custody under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).Additional Solicitor General SV Raju while appearing on behalf of the Enforcement Directorate (ED), said that Satyendar Jain could tamper with the evidence, so he should not be granted bail by the special court.
Raju further told the court that the matter was not just about Jain being a shareholder or gaining profits in the company, but it was related to controlling the company's "Benami" transaction worth Rs 16 crore.
The Additional Solicitor General, citing a letter written by Jain to the Income Tax department in 2018, stated that the applicant had mentioned in the said letter that payment of 20 per cent of the IT outstanding will be done through the bank account of Ankush Jain and Vaibhav Jain and the money will be deposited in their account.