Bengaluru: A special court for the people's representatives Wednesday ordered an FIR to be filed against the family members of BJP senior leader and former chief minister of Karnataka B S Yediyurappa for alleged frauds running into crores of rupees in the BDA housing scam during his tenure as the CM.
The special court also ordered an investigation to be initiated into the allegations of corruption against the ex-CM's family. These orders were issued based on a petition filed by T J Abraham, a social activist.
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The petitioner urged the court to order an investigation, saying that Yediyurappa's family members took bribes of crores of rupees from Ramalingam Construction Company through cash and shell companies in order to award the housing project contract of Bengaluru Development Authority (BDA).
The court order came a week after the Karnataka High Court asked the special court for MP/MLAs to reconsider the corruption case against Yediyurappa, who was recently nominated to the highest decision-making bodies of the BJP, the Central Parliamentary Board and Central Election Committee.