Kasganj (UP): A group of Samajwadi Party workers allegedly thrashed the relative of a Muslim youth after he was elected as BJP's booth president in Kasganj on Tuesday. The victim named Jabbar is the uncle of Ehsan Ali, who recently joined the BJP, as the booth president. The culprit, identified as SP leader Ahmed Nafees Kalia, purportedly fired a few rounds in the air and beat up Jabbar in a fit of rage.
As informed by Jabbar, Kalia is the husband of the Chairman of the Bhargain Nagar Panchayat. After Ehsan Ali joined the BJP, Kalia started blackmailing him to leave the party. "But when my nephew refused to do so, he attacked me. I was sitting near the tomb of Kale Khan Baba when he and his men suddenly came and attacked me. Although the bullet did not hit me, I have retained several injuries," he said adding that the police reached the spot in time and pacified the matter.