Lucknow:Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav taking a jibe at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh said that the fear of the red cap i.e the Samajwadi Party has been instilled among the BJP leaders. They are now beginning to feel the threat of their political existence. As BJP has become well aware of this truth, they have started to make unwarranted allegations against SP.
Issuing a statement, Yadav slammed the BJP leaders ahead of the UP Assembly Elections, 2022. He said that BJP leaders have nothing to do with the sentiments of the country. Its attitude towards the problems of the farmers and youth is neglectful. The saffron party has forgotten the promises made to the farmers. Not only this, the promises made in the election manifesto have also gone unfulfilled. The youth are being mislead with false employment figures.
"The BJP leaders, who claim to be torchbearers of Indian culture every now and then, do not know that Hanuman ji likes red colour. The color of the sun is also red. There is red color in everyone's life. Red is also the colour of change. The BJP does not understand all this, because its policies are hate-mongering. Black hat people will not understand this, because their thinking is narrow,"