Sitapur/Rampur: Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan was released on interim bail on Friday morning after 27 months of serving imprisonment in the Sitapur jail. The release was followed by the official orders that the jail authorities had received late on Thursday night. Pragatisheel Samajwadi Party (PSP) President Shivpal Yadav and Azam Khan's sons Adeeb Azam and Abdullah Azam also reached Sitapur Jail to receive him.
On reaching home, Azam Khan, while interacting with the media, thanked the people of Rampur and at the same time welcomed the decision of the Supreme Court and the High Court. He said that he was in jail for a year and a half during the time of emergency. In this regard, Azam Khan's daughter-in-law Sidra Adeeb, speaking to ETV Bharat correspondent Abul Kalam said that today is like Eid for her and added that Khan would be given a warm welcome at home.