Raebareli/Kanpur:Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Akhilesh Yadav on Tuesday launched a sharp offensive against Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, during his election rally in Raebareli's Lalganj town. "Youth were promised jobs, but so far they have not given jobs to anyone. Farmers did not get fertilizer. Students did not get smartphones and laptops", Yadav said.
"Those who talk about punishing people will turn into smoke on the result day", the former UP CM asserted, referring to Adityanath's 'garmi utarna'comment during poll campaign. The SP president also said his party, if elected to power, will provide 1 kilogram of ghee to the economically downtrodden in the state, alongside mustard oil and two gas cylinders per year.
"The Samajwadis have provided ration previously as well. We will give ration to the needy. For better health, 1 kg of ghee will be given to the poor, as well as mustard oil and two cylinders", Yadav said. The rally saw office bearers and SP workers from six districts gathering in support of the party president.
In another of Yadav's rallies in Kanpur, the leader said lies told by BJP leaders increase in accordance with their growth in the party. "The younger the (BJP) leader, the smaller the lie he tells. As the rank of the leader increases, so does the extent of lies", the SP leader noted. The Kanpur meeting was organized for Yadav to campaign for Bahadur Singh Gill, the SP candidate from Kanpur's Maharajpur assembly constituency.
Also read:BJP's diverting public attention from Yogi govt's failures, says Akhilesh Yadav