New Delhi:A woman accused Sonia Gandhi's personal secretary PP Madhavan of allegedly raping her and lodged a complaint on January 21, 2022. According to the FIR, the woman alleges that Madhavan raped her several times on the pretext of a job and marriage. A case was registered against Madhavan under sections 376, and 506 on the complaint of the woman in Uttam Nagar police station.
At the same time, on the allegations, Madhavan said that he knows the woman, but the allegations were false.
The woman has surfaced in a video seeking help from the common people as she lost her trust in the police. In the video, the woman said, "I am making this video after being very depressed and upset. Madhavan raped me on the pretext of marriage. I have lodged a complaint in Uttam Nagar police station. The police have been continuously saving him. To date, I have not been asked for proof, the investigating officer (IO) of the case has been changed. I was not informed. My charge sheet was presented, and even then I was not informed. I was also threatened by many people and also by a lawyer to withdraw the FIR."
The victim woman had told in the FIR that her husband used to put up hoardings in the Congress office and he died two years ago then she approach Sonia's PA and sought a job and she was given false hopes and was raped.