Chandigarh: Amid speculations about the formation of a United Front against the BJP ahead of the 2024 general elections, Telangana CM KCR has said that “something sensational” is on the cards in the coming days, KCR who is on a whirlwind tour of Delhi and Punjab, made the comments while speaking to the media during his visit to a government school in Delhi, along with Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal.
"As traders talk about business, it is natural for politicians to talk about politics when they meet. Something sensational has to happen in the country, and it should happen. Everyone will see what happens in the future, just wait and watch," Telangana CM said in reply to a question about the formation of the United Front against the BJP. KCR is leading efforts to cobble up a United Alliance of opposition parties to challenge the BJP in the general elections. The Telangana CM officially declared the endeavour in February when he met his Maharashtra counterpart Uddhav Thackeray as part of an effort to bring together various like-minded parties against the BJP at the national-level.