Mumbai: BJP leader Kirit Somaiya on Monday said he will visit Maharashtra's Ratnagiri district on Tuesday to demand razing of an 'illegally constructed' resort in Dapoli town, allegedly linked to Shiv Sena leader and former minister Anil Parab. Somaiya, a former MP, had in March this year also gone to Dapoli vowing to pull down the resort which is alleged to be constructed without necessary permissions.
Parab, who served as the transport minister in the previous state government led by Uddhav Thackeray, denied any connection to the resort and said he has already filed a defamation case against Somaiya for linking him to the controversial resort. Somaiya has been alleging that the resort in Dapoli is linked to Parab and the latter violated rules, including of the Coastal Regulation Zone, in its construction.
When contacted, Somaiya said the Ratnagiri district collector and other authorities concerned have received orders since January this year to demolish the Dapoli-based resort, but no action has been taken. "I am visiting Dapoli on Tuesday to reiterate my earlier demand of razing the resort and will ask the authorities about the reasons behind the delay in executing the orders, he said.