Ramanagara (Karnataka):Due to late last night rain, the Bengaluru-Mysore Expressway, which was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi six days ago, was inundated with water. The highway near Sangabasavanadoddy flyover in Ramnagar has been completely flooded. As a result of which, several vehicles were stranded in the waterlogged road on the expressway. It was also learnt that some vehicles had broken down and traffic was extremely slow as water stayed stagnant.
Last year, a similar situation occurred during the rains. Angry motorists said it was very difficult to drive as water risen 100 to 200 metres high. A motorist, Vikas said, "As the water level has risen on the road, vehicular traffic has slowed down and it has become extremely difficult to drive. Moreover, the water is damaging the vehicles and there are many cases of break down in the middle of the road. There are also bumper-to-bumper accidents. My bike was damaged after a car hit from behind. We have appealed to the Chief Minister to provide compensation for the damage."