New Delhi:Six candidates, including Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd chairman Arun Kumar Singh and Engineers India Ltd head Vartika Shukla on Saturday, appeared for an interview before a search-cum-selection committee that is looking for a new head for India's top oil and gas producer ONGC, sources said. The panel had called nine candidates, including ONGC's outgoing chairman Alka Mittal and Indian Oil Corporation's (IOC) head S M Vaidya for interviews, three sources with knowledge of the matter said.
Mittal and Vaidya chose not to appear for the interview, they said. Prominent among those who appeared were Singh, who is due to retire from the top Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) job at end of October and who has already been selected to head regulatory body Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB), and Engineers India Ltd (EIL) chairman and managing director Vartika Shukla.
Others who appeared for the interview included Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) directors Pankaj Kumar and Rajesh Kumar Srivastava. Two of the three external candidates called for the interview appeared before the panel, they said. The choice of the selection committee was not immediately known and the appointment will take at least 2-3 months as the candidate selected will have to be cleared by anti-corruption bodies like CBI and CVC before the name is put up to the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) for final vetting and approval.
For now, ONGC will next week get a record third interim chairman. ONGC is without a regular chairman and managing director since April 2021. Subhash Kumar, the senior-most director on the company board and the director for finance, was named officiating head after Shashi Shanker superannuated on March 31, 2021. And when Kumar retired on December 31, 2021, Alka Mittal, Director for Human Resources, was given additional charge.
Mittal is due to superannuate at month end and unless she is given an extension, the next senior most director - Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, Director (Exploration), is likely to be named as interim head, sources said. A search-cum-selection committee, which was in February this year tasked to identify suitable candidates, began work only this month after terms of reference were finalised.
The panel has shortlisted nine candidates on the basis of the higher eligibility age limit proposed by the oil ministry, which brought most existing directors - who otherwise were ineligible to even apply, in the zone of consideration, they said. The shortlisted included Mittal and Srivastava, who is due to retire at the end of the year.