New Delhi:Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Saturday cleared three crucial projects worth Rs 500 crores for development of International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) located in GIFT City in Gandhinagar, Gujarat into a global financial hub.
Sitharaman, who took a delegation of two ministers of state for finance, Pankaj Chaudhary and Bhagwat Kishanrao Karad and seven top officers from the ministry of finance, and ministry of corporate affairs, held a series of meeting with top officials both from the Centre and the State, and industry leaders among others.
Officials said the delegation engaged in discussions on matters of development and growth of India’s maiden IFSC at GIFT City, Gandhinagar.
Nirmala Sithraman also announced during the event that the Department of Economic Affairs had just last week approved three key proposals of the International Financial Services Centre Authority (IFSCA).
Three proposals for GIFT City
These proposals included approval of Rs 200 for the headquarters building of the IFSCA. Half of this amount will be given as a grant and remaining Rs 100 crore will be in the form of loan from the government.
The government also cleared a second Rs 269 crore proposal for the development of IT infrastructure at the international financial centre while the third proposal of Rs 45.75 crore is about IFSCA FinTech Scheme.
Sitharaman said the government was trying to make India a global financial gateway through GIFT-IFSC located in Gujarat.
According to officials, a couple of interactive sessions on capital markets and banking and insurance were organized and two presentations, one by MD & CEO of the GIFT City and another one by the Chairman of the IFSCA, were made before the finance minister.