Bengaluru (Karnataka): The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the sex CD case involving former minister Ramesh Jarkiholi, on Friday issued a clean chit to the latter. As no evidence could be found against the accused, the SIT submitted its report to the court, putting end to the case. Jarkiholi, who was Minister for Water Resources, was made to step down on March 4, after the CD was released to the media. The issue had created a political storm in Karnataka. SIT was formed to probe the case.
The police filed a case against former Karnataka minister Ramesh Jarkiholi after a woman in the purported 'sex tape' had filed a case against him in March last year. The woman's lawyer had lodged a complaint at the city police commissioner's office. Later, Cubbon Park police lodged an FIR against Jarakiholi over the complaint and registered a case under IPC Section 506 (threatening life), 354 (A) (Physical contact by saying providing work), 376 C and 504, 417 under Rape Case and 67(A) under the IT act.