Jamshedpur:A 15-member special investigation team (SIT) was formed on Monday to investigate the killing of Bajrang Dal activist at Chakradharpur in Jharkhand's West Singhbhum district, a senior police officer said. The SIT, with Chakradharpur Sub-Divisional Police Officer Kapil Chaudhary as head, will probe the incident and nab the culprits at the earliest, Superintendent of Police Ashutosh Shekhar told PTI.
Asked whether any headway has been made in the case, the SP said the culprits have been identified and raids were on to apprehend them. Bajrang Dal activist Kamaldev Giri (35) died after unidentified criminals allegedly hurled bombs at him near Bharat Bhawan Chowk in Chakradharpur, around100 km from Jamshedpur, on Saturday evening, sparking tension in the area.