Chandigarh: Punjabi singer Mika Singh's security was beefed up on Tuesday after the assassination of Sidhu Moosewala on Sunday. It is learnt that Singh is currently shooting a reality show in Rajasthan's Jodhpur, where police personnel have been deployed to ensure his security. The development comes after the singer, on Monday, posted a screenshot of a Facebook page titled 'Lawrence Bishnoi Grp' addressing the killing.
Singer Mika Singh's security beefed up after Sidhu Moose Wala killing
Punjabi singer Mika Singh's security was beefed up on Tuesday after the assassination of Sidhu Moosewala on Sunday.
"Why can't these pages be banned? Where people are giving open challenges and are taking responsibility of having people killed.. Why are you guys searching here and there? .. ek dusre ko blame karne se better hai stop these Stupid people .." Singh said in the tweet. The singer is expected to stay in Jodhpur till June 7. Moosewala's funeral, meanwhile, was conducted on Tuesday in his native village of Moosa in Punjab's Mansa district, witnessed by a crowd of thousands.
Shortly after his killing on Sunday, Goldy Brar, a Canada-residing member of the infamous Lawrence Bishnoi gang, had claimed responsibility for the attack. Bishnoi is currently lodged in Delhi's Tihar Jail. It is suspected that gang rivalry is a possible motive behind the killing.