Mansa: Mansa Police on Wednesday arrested a youth from Dehradun and took two others into custody on a production warrant in connection with the murder of famous Punjabi singer -turned-politician Sidhu Moosewala at village Jawaharke in Mansa district on Sunday. The arrested accused identified as Manpreet Singh alias Bhau has been lodged in Bathinda Jail. The other two accused have been identified as Serge Mintu and Manpreet Singh Manna, IG Range Faridkot Pradeep Yadav said.
Manna was previously lodged in Ferozepur Jail in connection with the murder of Kulvir Narwana, a notorious gangster from the Bathinda district. Following Moosewala's murder on May 29, the Bhagwant Mann led Punjab government came under a lot of scrutiny as the security of Sidhu Moosewala was downgraded just a day before his murder. Police are speeding up the investigation in the case.