Mumbai: Filmmaker Pan Nalin's latest movie "Last Film Show" will be release in theatres countrywide on October 14, producer Siddharth Roy Kapur announced Tuesday. The Gujarati-language coming-of-age drama had its world premiere as the opening film at Tribeca Film Festival in June last year. Titled "Chhello Show" in Gujarati, the movie won multiple awards during its festival run, including the Golden Spike at the 66th Valladolid Film Festival in Spain, where it also enjoyed commercial success during its theatrical run.
It is produced by Kapur's banner Roy Kapur Films, Jugaad Motion Pictures, Monsoon Films, Chhello Show LLP, and Marc Duale. Roy Kapur said he is excited to collaborate with Nalin, best known for movies such as "Samsara", "Valley of Flowers" and "Angry Indian Goddesses", and Dheer Momaya of Jugaad Motion Pictures. The producer said it is the apt time to release Last Film Show as it is a film that celebrates the magic and wonder of theatrical experience.
"There could not be a more apt time for this film to release when cinema-going around the world has been disrupted by a pandemic and audiences need to be reminded anew of the first time they fell in love with the experience of watching a movie in a darkened cinema hall, Roy Kapur said in a statement." It is a matter of pride that such a powerful work of art has come out of India, and we are sure that audiences in India will fall in love with it, just as they have all around the world, he added. Inspired by Nalin's own memories of falling in love with movies as a child in rural Gujarat, Last Film Show is set at the cusp of the digital revolution.