Gandhinagar: On June 2, Shweta Brahmbhatt left the Congress to join BJP. She was the Congress candidate for the Maninagar seat in the 2017 Assembly elections. Recently, Shweta also met Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Shweta Brahmbhatt in the presence of Gujarat BJP state president CR Patil and her father Narendra Brahmbhatt formally joined the BJP at the party's Gujarat state headquarters Kamalam. In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, she spoke on several issues, including her future plans.
After switching over her loyalties to the BJP, jubilant Shweta Brahmbhatt said she entered politics with a goal, but her goal was not achieved while remaining in the Congress party. "The Almighty God has created a fresh path for me to tread despite hurdles in life. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's achievements could be a good example for everyone to follow," she said, adding, "BJP workers and leaders always remain proactive. Hence, I came here with the sole purpose of giving out the best. I didn't join BJP to make money. If the party gives me the ticket I will surely fight elections."