New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday took Aftab Amin Poonawala, the 28-year-old accused of killing his live-in partner, to the forest area of south Delhi's Chhatarpur and spent nearly three hours to locate specific places where he had allegedly dumped her body parts. Delhi Police has recovered 13 body parts, believed to be of the woman, from different areas which will be sent for DNA analysis. It will be conducted by forensic experts, they said.
"The crime scene was recreated to understand and ascertain the sequence of events that led to the heinous crime and how he managed to locate the spots where different pieces could be dumped without inviting public glare," a senior police official said. The police is also likely to approach authorities at online dating app Bumble through which both the accused and victim met.
"We want to access his account to analyse his profile and know how many women he was in contact with and screen the chats to understand his psyche. Based on the profile analysis we will also be approaching those people with whom he was in contact with and invited them to the same residence where he had killed the woman," the official further said. Meanwhile, a Delhi doctor who treated Poonawalla, said the accused had visited him in May, the same month when Walkar was killed, for treating a wound.
Aftab took 20 days to dispose of the chopped body parts in bits and pieces in the local jungle in Delhi, said police who cracked the murder mystery following a complaint from the victim's father. The accused loaded a few pieces of body parts into a backpack each day in the wee hours and threw them in interior jungle.
It took two days for Aftab to cut the body into 35 pieces, police said. He took 20 days to dispose of the chopped parts by bits and pieces. A backpack was used to carry the body parts and he carried out the disposal in the jungle in the wee hours. Aftab met Shraddha on a dating app. Initially, they bonded very well but trouble started after they shifted to the house where the gruesome crime took place, police said.
The killer stayed connected on Shraddha's social media to avoid doubts among her friends and family members. For a while, he kept chopped body parts in deep freezer before disposing them at an unknown location in the jungle, police said. Shraddha along with Aftab shifted to the new rented house in Mehrauli in May but within a matter of days they broke into heated arguments.
In the police investigation, it is revealed that Aftab Poonawala murdered Shraddha on May 18 and then started preparations to dispose of the body. He took a leaf out of crime thriller movies, accordingly, used a saw to chop the victim's body and stored the severed parts in a freezer. Incidentally, Aftab had undergone some training in cutting meat as he studied degree in hotel management.