Mumbai: A war of words between the Congress party and its ally the Shiv Sena in Maharashtra took a fresh turn after Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray slammed the slogan of self-reliance. Without naming the Congress, he said power aspiring political moves would not be approved by people amid the raging pandemic.
Riled by the Congress party's decision to go solo in the next local body and Assembly polls, Thackeray said 'we will not carry anyone's palanquin. We will wear torn shoes, but we will stand firm on our own feet.' He made the comments during his virtual address to party members on the occasion of Shiv Sena's anniversary. He said Shiv Sena was born for the right to justice.
Also read:New govt can be formed in Maha by sharing CM's post with Shiv Sena: Athawale