Mumbai:The Shiv Sena was virtually treated as "slaves" and attempts were made to finish off the party politically when it was in power with the BJP in Maharashtra from 2014 to 2019, Sena MP Sanjay Raut has alleged. Addressing Sena workers in Jalgaon in north Maharashtra on Saturday, Raut said, "The Shiv Sena had a secondary status in the previous government and was (treated) like slaves. Attempts were also made to finish off our party by misusing the very power which was enjoyed because of our support".
Read More: Talks for national alliance of opposition parties to start soon: Raut
Raut's remarks came days after Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi separately, setting off political speculations in the state. The Shiv Sena-BJP alliance crumbled in 2019 over the issue of chief ministership. The Sena, which was one of the oldest allies of the BJP, later formed an unlikely alliance with the NCP and Congress to form the Maha Vikas Aghadi government in Maharashtra.