Lucknow:In the upcoming Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections 2022, Congress and Shiv Sena may join hands on the lines of Maharashtra as both parties successfully run a collateral government in Maharashtra. However, Shiv Sena's Uttar Pradesh chief Thakur Anil Singh feels that nationalism of Congress party and Hindutva of Shiv Sena can be an option to the ruling BJP in the state.
Interacting with ETV Bharat Shiv Sena's UP chief said, "To fight the fake Hindutva of Bharatiya Janata Party, Shiv Sena needs the help of Congress and under the same formula we are having our government in Maharashtra, so it can be tried here also."
"Our national leader Sanjay Raut had words with Priyanka Gandhi over the same and if something meaningful comes out of it, then definitely we can go in elections together under this formula." Anil Singh added further.