Shimla: Shimla has topped the list of Sustainable Development Goals Index in a first of its kind survey conducted by NITI Aayog in the urban parts of India. The ranking was decided on the basis of several parameters, including the social, environmental as well as economic factors and their significance in the cities. With a score of 75.50 out of 100, Shimla has put the other 55 cities behind and has topped the list.
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly had set a target of 17 SDGs, that were to be achieved by the year 2030. The NITI Aayog held the basis of these 17 SDGs and out of 100, assigned the higher numbers to cities that are nearer to achieving these SDGs by 2030. Followed by Shimla, Coimbatore, Chandigarh, Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Panaji, Pune, Tiruchirapalli and Ahmedabad are included in the top 10 cities in the list.