New Delhi: The Government on Wednesday informed the Lok Sabha that the share of nuclear power in the total electricity generation in the country in 2021-22 was about 3.15 percent. The information was shared by Union Minister Dr. Jitender Singh in a written reply.
"The Government has arranged for an adequate quantity of fuel to enable operation of the existing nuclear power reactors at rated capacity. In addition, the Government had earlier sanctioned projects to increase the current installed nuclear power capacity of 6780 MW to 22480 MW by 2031," stated Singh. The Union Minister also refuted the claims over Civil Nuclear Liability Law becoming an impediment to accessing foreign technology for nuclear research.
As for the nuclear energy capacity installed in India after the Indo-US Civil Nuclear agreement, 2008 till date, Singh stated that "A nuclear power capacity of 2660 MW comprising of RAPP 5&6 (2X220 MW), KGS-4 (220 MW) and KKNPP 1&2 (2X1000 MW) has been added after 2008. In addition, nuclear power projects with a total capacity of 15,200 MW have been accorded sanction since 2008 and are at various stages of implementation."