Hyderabad: Laying out the party's stand on various key issues and setting the tone for its political activities in the coming days, Union Home Minister and senior BJP leader Amit Shah moved the all-important political resolution at the party's national executive meeting here on Sunday. The resolution mentions candidature for the Presidential election, government formation in Maharashtra, and other political issues in the country.
With the executive meeting being held in the backdrop of the Nupur Sharma row and the killing of Udaipur tailor Kanahiya Lal, it is being keenly watched if the party makes any reference to these two incidents in its resolution, which will be seconded by two chief ministers. In its condolence resolution on Saturday, the party had paid tributes to Kanahiya Lal and Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala besides others. Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and Karnataka Chief Minister Basvraj Bomai will second the resolution.