Mohali: Ahead of Prime Minister Modi's visit to Mohali scheduled on August 24, the Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) chief Gurpatwant Singh Pannun released a video issuing a warning against the visit. "We have made the Prime Minister return back once before and we will do it again," he could be heard saying in the video. He further claims that the SFJ workers have already reached Mohali with grenades and other resources to obstruct the PM's visit.
Pannun appeals to the people to assemble on the streets on August 24, carry Khalistan flags with them, and 'make Modi go back'. With regards to the formation of Khalistan, he further says in the video that the SFJ plans on holding a plebiscite on January 26.
Meanwhile, the Central Intelligence Agencies have also reportedly received inputs that Pakistan's Intelligence Agency ISI is planning to launch attacks in Mohali during Modi's visit. The authorities have therefore issued a red alert in the area, while the security in the area has been beefed up.