Ernakulam: A former female co-actor had accused Malayalam actor, producer, and director Vijay Babu of repeatedly raping her in his apartment at Ernakulam under the pretext of offering more roles in films. The complainant alleged that the actor has often fed her liquor laced up with sedatives and physically tortured her.
The complaint was lodged on April 22 and police have not yet revealed the complete details of the complaint. However, the Ernakulam South police have booked a case against the actor under sections 376, 506, and 323 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for sexual assault, criminal intimidation, and wilfully inflicting harm.
Consequently, the actor came live on Facebook claiming himself to be a victim in the case. "I am ready to face any legal consequences for revealing the name of the actor who has leveled allegations against me". He said the allegations had tarnished his name causing sorrow and huge embarrassment to his family and friends.