Bengaluru: Intensifying probe into the purported sex tape case involving former Karnataka minister Ramesh Jarkiholi, a Special Investigation team (SIT) on Saturday raided houses of the five accused individuals who were arrested yesterday. According to reports, the five accused in the case handed over the alleged sex tape to social activist Dinesh Kallahalli.
The SIT carried out searches in accordance with the CrPc section 94, in a bid to expedite the identification of two more suspects in the case. Sources suggested that the two accused people in the case have strong political connections.
SIT is likely to issue a notice to social activist Dinesh Kallahalli who approached the city police commissioner to file a case against the minister. Kallahalli in his statement had said that a stranger gave him the CD at Cubbn park police. The person who gave the CD to Kanihalli is one of the arrested individuals in the case.
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