New Delhi: Separatist leader Yasin Malik virtually appeared before the Delhi High Court on Wednesday. Malik's virtual appearance from jail took place as National Investigation Agency (NIA) had sought the death penalty for him in a terror funding case. Earlier, the High Court had directed the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) chief's appearance before the court through video-conferencing mode. Malik, who is serving a life term was asked to appear before the court through video conferencing mode from Tihar Jail. Earlier this year, a production warrant had been issued against Malik for his appearance before the court.
On May 29, a notice was served on Malik by the High Court wherein NIA had sought the death penalty for him in the terror funding case. The court had asked for the production of warrants against Yasin Malik during the next date of the hearing. Thereafter, based on the grounds that Malik was a very high-risk prisoner, the jail officials filed an application seeking permission for his virtual appearance. Besides, it was imperative to not physically produce him in court to maintain public order and safety.