Bengaluru:An ADGP-rank officer was on Monday arrested by the Karnataka Crime Investigation Department (CID) in connection with the police sub-inspector recruitment scam, highly-placed police sources said. Additional Director General of Police Amrit Paul was heading the recruitment division when the scam took place.
After the large-scale irregularities came to light, the senior IPS officer was transferred to the post of the ADGP, Internal Security Division.
Senior IPS officer held in police sub-inspector recruitment scam in Karnataka
Karnataka Crime Investigation Department arrested an ADGP-rank officer in Karnataka. Additional Director General of Police Amrit Paul was heading the recruitment division when the scam took place.
According to top sources, the Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) sheets of the fraudulent candidates were allegedly tampered in the recruitment division itself.
They also claimed that Paul was allegedly in the know-how of the happenings. The scam had first come to light in Kalaburagi district and a BJP leader, the gunman of a Congress MLA, a few police officers including a deputy superintendent of police, inspector, sub-inspector and constables were also arrested.
It is also alleged that a candidate from Malleshwaram, purportedly the relative of a senior politician, was also arrested in this case. About 70 people have been arrested so far in this connection, sources said. The PSI recruitment drive started in October 2021 to fill 545 posts.