Mumbai: A day after Gujarat bagged a mega Vedanta-Foxconn semiconductor project, Leader of Opposition in Maharashtra Legislative Council Ambadas Danve claimed Gujarat did not have the infrastructure required for it and hence was not even in competition for the project. "Maharashtra, Telangana and Karnataka were competing for the Foxconn-Vedanta semiconductor manufacturing plant. It requires a very high-end technology environment, hence these three states were competing with each other, Shiv Sena leader Danve told a TV channel.
"Gujarat does not have such infrastructure, hence it was not even in the competition. How come a project which requires information technology-related industries around it land in Gujarat? he wondered. A joint venture of the Indian conglomerate Vedanta and Taiwanese electronics manufacturing giant Foxconn signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Gujarat government on Tuesday to set up a semiconductor and display manufacturing unit in the state.