Chandauli (Uttar Pradesh): Security has been beefed up in several places in Uttar Pradesh after there was an alert from Intelligence Branch (IB) that terrorists might strike Gorakhnath Temple and Taj Mahal. The state police, along with the central agencies, have launched an extensive checking drive in several places in the state, including Deen Dayal Upadhyaya (DDU) railway station, on Thursday night.
Security beefed up in Uttar Pradesh following intelligence inputs of terror strike
S Security has been beefed up in several places in Uttar Pradesh after there was an alert from IB (Intelligence Branch) that terrorists might strike Gorakhnath Temple and Taj Mahal. The state police along with the central agencies have launched an extensive checking drive in several places in the state including Deen Dayal Upadhyaya (DDU) railway station on Thursday night.
“Railway stations and airports are the most vulnerable areas and we need to plug these points to avoid any kind of infiltration into the city. The intelligence department and the sources have been put on high alert to trace any kind of unwanted activities in the state,” sources in the state police said. A joint team consisting of personnel from the Government Railway Police (GRP) and Railway Protection Force (RPF) conducted an extensive checking drive. They have also asked the passengers to remain vigilant towards any unclaimed object or suspicious-looking persons.
Sources in the agency said that considering the recent attack on Gorakhnath Temple and incidents of violence in Delhi, the alert is taken with all seriousness. RPF Inspector-In-Charge Sanjeev Kumar speaking to reporters, said, "The security has been beefed up. The joint team of RPF and GRP carried out an extensive checking drive of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya railway station consisting of railway platforms, foot-over-bridge (FOB), Yard area, Booking Office and Station Portico, Parcel Office, Waiting Room, and other places”. “During the search operation, everything was found normal, but we are not leaving anything to chance and we are keeping a strict vigil on the movement of the people," he added.