Chennai:Security has been enhanced in Tamil Nadu following intelligence reports of the possibility of violence erupting during the farmers' protest. The Samyukta Kisan Morcha, along with other farmers' organisations, trade unions and social organisations have planned a sit-in protest in front of the Raj Bhawans across the country on June 26, and central intelligence agencies and Tamil Nadu state intelligence have briefed the state government on the possibility of violence during these agitations.
Taking the report of the agencies seriously, the Tamil Nadu state police have beefed up security for the Raj Bhawan at Chennai and all the Central government institutions in the state, including the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant as well as the Madras Atomic Power plant at Kalpakkam.
Read: Farmers to observe 'Hool Kranti Diwas' on June 30
There are reports that the sit-in protest of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha, "save agriculture, save democracy", on June 26 may turn violent and intelligence have passed on the information of those who had participated in agitations against the farm laws in New Delhi from Tamil Nadu. The possibilities of certain ultra Tamil National movements and political parties sympathetic to the Tamil cause are also under scanner. The joint platform of trade unions, including CITU, AITUC, INTUC, LPF, HMS and others have already expressed support to farmers in their agitation against the farm laws.
Intelligence agencies have reported that certain ISI backed outfits are trying to sabotage the farmer's agitation by possibly entering into the stir camouflaging as farmers and doing some damage. Hence the state has been put on high alert and the agencies, both the Internal security agency and the external agency have upped their ante on the same.