Champawat (Uttarakhand):After registering a missing complaint report at the police station concerned, police in Uttarakhand launched a search operation to trace the whereabouts of Champawat SDM Anil Chanyal. The news of Champawat SDM Anil Chanyal missing has set the alarm bell ringing. Chayal had gone "missing" from his official residence and he left the vehicle and official mobile phone at his place. Besides, his personal phone was found switched off. After receiving the information, Kumaon Commissioner Deepak Rawat had a telephonic conversation with District Magistrate Narendra Singh Bhandari and Champawat SP Devendra Pincha and enquired about the whereabouts of SDM Anil Chanyal, said sources.
Read:U'khand: Absconding Nepalese drug peddler held in Champawat