New Delhi: Union Law minister Kiren Rijiju on Monday ridiculed the petitoners who challenged Centre's decision to ban the BBC documentary on PM Modi in the Supreme Court. Taking to Twitter on Monday, the minister wrote, "This is how they waste the precious time of Hon'ble Supreme Court where thousands of common citizens are waiting and seeking dates for Justice."
The tweet came in response to a news reports that veteran journalist N Ram, activist lawyer Prashant Bhushan and others have moved the Supreme Court challenging the Centre's decision to block the documentary "India: The Modi Question" on social media.
A bench headed by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud on Monday took note of the submissions of lawyer M L Sharma and senior advocate C U Singh, appearing for N Ram and Bhushan, seeking urgent listing of their separate PILs on the issue. On January 21, the Centre issued directions for blocking multiple YouTube videos and Twitter posts sharing links to the controversial BBC documentary.