Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): Heavy rainfall in Lucknow and Kanpur cities during the past 24 hours forced the administration to issue an order for the closure of government and private schools. Lucknow District Magistrate Surya Pal Gangwar in a message issued a directive for the closure of schools on Friday. In the past 24 hours, Lucknow recorded 160.30mm rainfall and as per the Met office, the city will experience rainfall throughout the day.
Schools remain closed in Lucknow as heavy rainfall lashes city
Government and private schools in Lucknow and Kanpur were closed on Friday as heavy rain lashed both cities. In the past 24 hours, Lucknow received 160.30mm of rainfall.
Several localities of the city have been witnessing waterlogging problems. On Friday, Lucknow Divisional Commissioner Roshan Jacob inspected the waterlogged areas and took stock of the situation. In a video, the Commissioner was found standing in knee-deep water. Lucknow DM Surya Pal Gangwar, said, "Several parts of the Lucknow city have been witnessing water-logging due to heavy downpour. Hence, it was decided to close government and private schools on Friday (September 16) as a precautionary measure. The information was made available to school authorities immediately through WhatsApp."
Besides, the Lucknow Divisional Commissioner Roshan Jacob has released helpline numbers 1533, 9151055671, 9151055672, and 9151055673 for those seeking assistance from the administration arising out of the untoward incident.