Kolkata: A special CBI court on Monday sent Prasanna Roy, who was arrested last month for his alleged involvement in a school jobs scam in West Bengal, to another four days' custody of the central agency. He was produced before the special CBI court at Alipore here after being in CBI custody since his arrest on August 27.
School jobs scam: Court sends Prasanna Roy to 4 more days' CBI custody
A special CBI court has sent Prasanna Roy who was arrested last month for his alleged involvement in a school jobs scam in West Bengal to another four days' custody on Monday.
School jobs scam: Court sends Prasanna Roy to 4 more days' CBI custody
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The judge remanded Roy to a further CBI custody of four days on a prayer by the agency, and directed that he be produced again on September 9. The Calcutta High Court had earlier directed the central agency to probe the alleged irregularities in School Service Commission recruitment. (PTI)