New Delhi:The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear on Friday the petition filed by actor Sonu Sood challenging the Bombay HC order which dismissed his appeal against a civic body notice over alleged illegal construction at his residential building in Mumbai's Juhu area.
A bench headed by Chief Justice S A Bobde and Justices A S Bopanna and V Ramasubramanian is likely to take up the appeal filed by Sood, who was in the spotlight for helping migrants reach their homes during the lockdown last year.
The actor has stated in his plea that his application for conversion has been approved by the Municipal Commissioner subject to Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority (MCZMA) permission.
It said the high court order of January 13, 2021 has been passed without considering the provisions of Section 43 (1) of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 and his application for conversion of residential premises into a residential hotel was submitted in 2018 before the department concerned.
The plea contended that their application for conversion, which has been approved by the Municipal Commissioner subject to MCZMA, be directed to be decided by authorities concerned.
“The petitioners have already stopped the work of internal renovation which require no permission as per the provisions of Section 43 of Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966, therefore, the respondents may kindly be restrained from demolition of the renovation work already done in the building,” the plea filed by Sood and his wife said.
He further stated that if the application of the petitioners for conversion is approved, the financial loss due to demolition will not be recovered in any manner and would cause miscarriage of justice to the petitioners.
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The High Court, while dismissing the actor's appeal and application, said, "Law helps only those who are diligent."