New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Thursday said it would take up BJP leader Subramanian Swamy's plea seeking a direction to declare the Ram Sethu a national heritage monument in the second week of February. A bench comprising Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud and Justice P S Narasimha said the matter was unlikely to be heard today as a Constitution bench was going on.
Swamy said the solicitor general had made a commitment to file the reply and the cabinet secretary should be summoned to the court. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta had said the counter will be filed by December 12. But it has not been filed yet. Earlier, they said it's ready, Swamy submitted. Mehta said the matter is under consideration and discussions are underway.
He urged the court to post the matter in February's first week. Ram Sethu, also known as Adam's bridge, is a chain of limestone shoals between Pamban Island, off the south-eastern coast of Tamil Nadu, and Mannar Island, off the north-western coast of Sri Lanka. The BJP leader had submitted that he had already won the first round of the litigation in which the Centre accepted the existence of Ram Sethu.
He said the Union minister concerned had called a meeting in 2017 to consider his demand but nothing happened subsequently. The BJP leader had raised the issue of declaring the Ram Sethu a national monument in his PIL against the controversial Sethusamudram Ship Channel project, initiated by the UPA-I government.