New Delhi: The Supreme Court Monday asked a petitioner to peruse new IT rules and said it may hear next week his plea seeking a probe either by CBI or NIA against Twitter and its users for allegedly posting Islamophobic posts after Tablighi Jamaat congregation at Nizamuddin last year which was purportedly dubbed as one of the reasons for spread of COVID-19.
A bench of Chief Justice N V Ramana and justice A S Bopanna, at the outset, asked lawyer Khaja Aijazuddin, who has filed the plea in his personal capacity, to approach the Central government with the petition in which he has also sought a direction for framing guidelines under the Information Technology Act against spreading of hate messages against any religious community including Islamophobic posts on various Social Media platforms.
Have you read the latest IT Rules, the bench asked the lawyer during the hearing conducted through video conferencing here. As Aijazuddin started reading the new IT Rules, the bench said it is posting the matter after a week and in the meantime, the petitioner may peruse the rules and come back prepared.
Read:Social media platforms may polarise society, says SC on Facebook India VP's plea