New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Tuesday stayed the Rajasthan High Court's single-judge bench order of May 17 wherein it had directed the Director-General of Police to make no arrests for offenses with punishment up to 3 years and can be dealt by a First Class Magistrate, till July 17 in view of Covid-19 pandemic.
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"This court is also of the opinion that the arrests of accused in cases where imprisonment extends up to 3 years and can be tried by a First Class Magistrate under present circumstances," observed Justice Prakash Bhandari's bench while restraining the police from arrests.
The single-judge bench had also directed the registrar of Jaipur bench and Jodhpur bench not to list bail applications for crimes that have a maximum sentence of 3 years and can be tried by First Class Magistrate till court reopens after summer vacations. He had reasoned that there are a lot of pending bail pleas and the five judges of the Jaipur bench had to hear them in addition to the already assigned cases.