New Delhi : The Supreme Court on Friday stayed the demolition of a restaurant at Anjuna in North Goa which was in the news recently following the death of BJP leader Sonali Phogat, after its counsel claimed the relevant regulations were not applicable as the building was in existence prior to 1991.
A bench comprising Chief Justice Uday Umesh Lalit and justices S Ravindra Bhat and P S Narasimha heard the matter on an urgent basis after the counsel for the restaurant owner claimed the demolition was already underway while he was arguing the case. Considering the fact that the impugned order was passed on September 06, 2022 and the fact that the demolition has been going on, we have taken this matter on Board and heard learned counsel, the bench said.
Senior lawyer Huzefa Ahmadi, appearing for restaurant owner Linet Nunes, referred to certain documents to submit that the structure in Survey No.42/10 was in existence prior to the year 1991 and it cannot be punished for the violation of the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) norms. He said that only Survey No.42/10 belongs to Nunes and other structures do not belong to him.
Consistent with the statement made by the learned senior Advocate on behalf of the appellant, structures in existence in lands other than Survey No.42/10, are not covered by the width of this Order. Resultantly, if there be any unauthorized construction in lands other than Survey No.42/10, the demolition can certainly go on. (b) There shall be a stay of demolition with respect to structures standing on Survey No.42/10 subject to the appellant not undertaking any commercial activity in or with respect to said structure, it said.