New Delhi :Observing that many cases had been filed more than eight years ago but defects have never been rectified, the Supreme Court Registrar has decided not to register 13,147 matters that have had uncured defects since August 19, 2014. In a notification, the top court Registrar, Chirag Bhanu Singh observed that "a bunch of 13,147 unregistered but diarized cases have been registered prior to the year 2014, to be precise before August 19 2014."
It further noted that these cases had been filed more than 8 years ago and as per the practice then in vogue, the matters had been returned to the counsel/petitioner-in-person for rectifying the defects noticed in the matters respectively. "They have never been rectified ever. Nothing has been heard thereafter either from the Counsel or the party-in-person, in respect of these diary numbers," the notification stated.
After the coming into force of the Supreme Court Rules, 2013 that is after August 19, 2014 only, a provision was made a to retain one copy of the plaint and court fee stamps with the Registry. The defects in these matters had come to be notified to respective counsel/petitioner-in-person years back and the parties were to cure the same within 28 days.
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