New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to stay the Central government's order of dismissal of IPS officer Satish Chandra Verma from service. Verma had assisted the SIT in the probe of the Ishrat Jahan case of 2004 and was dismissed by the Centre on the grounds of denting the country's international relations.
The bench comprising of Justice KM Joseph and Justice Hrishikesh Roy heard his plea challenging the dismissal and refused to interfere in it. The Delhi HC was approached by Verma earlier who had also refused to stay the Centre's orders.
In today's order, the court ordered, "We are of the view that the impugned order must be modified to facilitate earlier disposal of the writ petition. Accordingly, we direct that the writ petition shall stand listed before the High Court on 22nd November 2022. The pleadings are to be completed by the parties well before that date. We request the High Court to dispose of the matter as early as possible".