New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday approved a fresh timeline submitted by the Justice (retd) LN Rao committee for holding of elections of the executive committee of the Indian Olympic Association (IOA), and said the polls will be held on December 10. A bench of Justices DY Chandrachud and Hima Kohli also allowed circulation of the draft amended constitution among members of the IOA as per rules, so that it could be adopted in the general body meeting scheduled to be held on November 10.
The bench also fixed Rs 20 lakh remuneration to Justice Rao for undertaking a comprehensive exercise of preparing the draft constitution, and said he will also chalk out the modalities for circulation of the draft constitution among members of the IOA. The top court also restrained the courts across the country from entertaining any petition with regard to the draft constitution or the proposed executive committee elections, and said all such petitions will be taken up by it only.