New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Wednesday granted former AIADMK Minister KT Rajenthra Bhalaji bail for four weeks, in connection with a job scam case. A Bench of Chief Justice of India NV Ramana and Justices Surya Kant and Hima Kohli allowed the bail to the former Minister on the condition that he shall not leave the jurisdiction of the police station in which the crime was registered.
The apex court ordered Bhalaji, who held the Milk and Dairy Development portfolio in the previous AIADMK government, to surrender his passport and cooperate with the investigation. It also slammed the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) government in Tamil Nadu over the manner in which Bhalaji was arrested when his appeal against the rejection of anticipatory bail by the Madras High Court was pending before the top court.
The Bench wondered whether a judicial inquiry should be ordered into the circumstances that led to his arrest and asked the State government to file an affidavit explaining its stand. It also sought to know why after the arrest, Bhalaji was taken to the Trichy prison which is 300 km away from the Madurai prison, which was the jurisdictional prison.
The bench expressed unhappiness that even the lawyers of Bhalaji had been raided by police. "The manner in which he was arrested, the manner in which the lawyer's office was raided... It is objectionable," the Bench remarked.