New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Wednesday granted bail to Samajwadi Party MLA from Kairana assembly seat Nahid Hasan in a case of alleged criminal intimidation. A bench of Justices A S Bopanna and P S Narasimha noted the material witnesses in the case have already been examined and Hasan was not keeping good health.
"It is no doubt true that the High Court has adverted in detail to the facts while rejecting the request of the appellant for bail. "However, having taken note of the subsequent developments and also the fact that the material witnesses have already been examined and the appellant is not keeping a good health, without expressing any opinion on the merits, we find it appropriate that the appellant be released on bail," the bench said. The top court also directed that the lower court, while imposing the bail conditions, shall take note of the apprehension expressed by the authorities that there is likely to be interference with the trial.