New Delhi: The Supreme Court has dismissed the plea of a Thane-based journalist who had made an allegation of bias against former Chief Justice of Bombay High Court Justice Pradeep Nandrajog. A bench of Chief Justice Uday Umesh Lalit and Justice Bela M Trivedi refused to entertain an appeal of Sapan Srivastava, who claims himself to be a journalist, against whom a fine of Rs 5 lakh was imposed by a high court bench headed by Nandrajog, since retired, for misusing the PIL jurisdiction.
We see no reason to interfere in our jurisdiction under Article 136 of the Constitution. The SLP (special leave petition) is therefore dismissed, the bench said in its order on October 21. Srivastava had filed a PIL in the Bombay High Court in 2019 seeking a direction to stop the operation of the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) alleging that the education board lacked the requisite approval from the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development.