New Delhi:The Supreme Court has declined a plea filed by Union minister Ajay Mishra seeking transfer of the Uttar Pradesh government's appeal against his acquittal in an over 20-year-old murder case. A bench of Chief Justice U U Lalit and Bela M Trivedi was told that the transfer was sought on grounds that the senior counsel, who has to argue the matter at Lucknow, was ordinarily based at Allahabad and because of his old age it would not be possible for him to go all the way to Lucknow for arguments.
"We do not go into all these issues as in our view, a request to the high court to hear the appeal for disposal on November 10, 2022, the date given by the high court and agreed upon by both the senior counsel would serve the ends of justice," the bench said. "In case the senior counsel is unable to come down to Lucknow, a request for allowing the said counsel to make submissions through video conferencing may be considered by the high court," the bench said.