New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the board of management of Unitech Group to upload on its website the timeline for completion of its stalled projects for the benefit of the hassled home buyers. It also asked the board to upload within 48 hours the newly revised payment plan under which the home buyer is required to make payments and asked the flat buyers to give their suggestions or feedback, if any, to the board of management, which would facilitate the court in passing the orders in this regard.
A bench of Justices DY Chandrachud and MR Shah said that the funds receivable from the home buyers or unsold inventories shall be used only for the construction purpose and would not be allowed to be diverted for any other purposes. "The revised payment plan as proposed by the Unitech Group shall be uploaded on its web portal within 48 hours, under which the home buyers are required to make their payments. Any home buyers, who wish to give any suggestions, if any, can write to the board, to facilitate the court passing the final order. The board shall also update the website with the timeline for completion of the stalled projects", it said.
The bench also approved the plan of the committee headed by former apex court judge AM Sapre in making the refund to the home buyers especially those who are in urgent medical need after consulting with them for 15 days starting from September 15 till September 30. The bench said that the Sapre committee will submit its report by the first week of October to the court, which if approved, would direct the release of funds to the home buyers.
Additional Solicitor General N Venkataraman, appearing for the Unitech board of management said that they would upload everything on its website for the benefit of home buyers and other stakeholders but were waiting for orders from the court. "We didn't want the home buyers to interpret the proposals of Unitech Group in their own way which would have led to more confusion and hence we thought of first getting the court's order", Venkataraman said.